Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wisconsin Citizen Action

A flyer from Wisconsin Citizen Action sets a new low for sleaze:

Rampant corruption. No accountability. Dangerous criminals in taxpayer-supported schools. Does that sound like a program you would support? Danny Goldberg does.


Mike said...

Well it looks likes Danny Goldberg got the last laugh. The most interesting thing about this literature was the material quality; someone put a lot of money into this. The fact that this "Wisconsin Citizen Action" put their resources into such a negative piece is very telling...apparently they saw more promise in attacking Goldberg's support of choice than Hagen's ability to serve the children of Milwaukee. Looking forward to hearing your take on the new board.

Bruce Thompson said...

It would be nice to believe that this sort of thing doesn't work. But I understand the same campaign was run against Kevin Ronny and he wasn't elected.

It would be interesting to know where the money came from. My suspicion is it came from the NEA. Ideally we should know when Citizens Action reports, but my guess is they will claim to be exempt from reporting since the piece never actually says who to vote for.